Become a member

Become a member

 Who can become a member?

Men 18 years or older are eligible to apply for membership subject to acceptance by the Management Committee.

No previous skills are required, but applicants need to be aware that SIMS is an active wood and metal workshop where hand-held and fixed machinery and welding equipment are in regular use.

While the Shed has members with disabilities, regrettably it is not possible to accept any more applications at this time. SIMS is not a registered NDIS support provider, nor are its members trained to support disabled people in what is basically a dangerous environment with sophisticated woodworking and metalworking machinery continually in use. With limited space and a cap on attendance it is also not possible to allow support workers to accompany NDIS participants. Likewise, due to the hazards as described, it is not an environment for the frail elderly.

Prospective members are strongly advised to visit the workshop before submitting a membership application.

I want to become a member

Ask for a membership application when you visit or download an application below.

Applicants are advised to submit their application in person rather than posting or emailing.

Do I need to complete an induction?

Yes. Information can be found here.